Crayola Binney Classroom Assistant

I designed this logo for Crayola. I had the opportunity to work with Crayola as my client during a Graphic and Interactive Practice course, and the brief that my partners and I were tasked with was to create a product for the year 2070. Binney is an Artificial Intelligence Classroom Assistant for educators and children, named after Alice Binney. Married to the company founder, Alice was an educator herself, and coined the company name. My goal was to keep the original Crayola brand in mind, while creating a logo that appealed to our target audience: kids!


Background: Some experts hypothesize that traditional education systems will shift towards vocational schools and private industry teaching (IDEO). We spoke with Dr. Kristin Baxter’s 366 Art Education class about struggles in the classroom. The unpredictability of in-person versus virtual learning that has come with the COVID-19 pandemic has only made it more difficult for teachers to engage individually with students. Crayola’s friendly AI classroom assistant would allow teachers to send lesson plans, messages, and video call with students, as well as individually guide them through a holographic interface.

Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Branding, Logo, Typography