• Stand Together Strom
  • Stand Together Strom

Stand Together

Stand Together

Cast light, watercolor, and salt on wood panel
Stand Together won first place in Moravian University’s 2021 Celebrating Moravian Women art show.
This piece is about beauty as it pertains to imagination. We all have the power to imagine the world we want to live in, and make steps towards creating that world, which can include simply being kind to another individual. I reference five different women who have played a role in shaping women‘s history. From left to right, the silhouettes belong to Susan B. Anthony, Rosa Parks, Rosie the Riveter, Frida Kahlo, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. By calling on their silhouettes, as opposed to rendering specific details such as facial features, I invite the viewer to imagine themselves alongside these historic figures who have tirelessly stood up for their beliefs. This is also why I left the bottom of the panel open, rather than closing off the frame. When light is cast upon the panel, the silhouettes are left exposed, while the shadow of the panel frames the silhouettes, and depending on the position of the panel and light, the silhouettes can be projected at a very large scale. The element of light in this work represents the beauty of envisioning change. The wooden panel is adorned in bright colors, with stars engraved into the wood that represent the stars sewn on the National Women‘s Party’s Ratification Flag, and salt which represents the grit that often accompanies the road to change.

Studio Art
Fine Art